Apache Server Status

Apache allows us to grab usage statistics

Apache Server Status for
Server Version: Apache/2.2.15 (Unix) DAV/2 PHP/5.3.3
 Server Built: Feb 13 2012 22:31:42
 Current Time: Tuesday, 26-Feb-2013 17:25:26 GMT
 Restart Time: Tuesday, 26-Feb-2013 17:25:00 GMT
 Parent Server Generation: 0
 Server uptime: 26 seconds
 Total accesses: 19 - Total Traffic: 6 kB
 CPU Usage: u0 s0 cu0 cs0
 .731 requests/sec - 236 B/second - 323 B/request
 1 requests currently being processed, 7 idle workers

The default location for these is http:/localhost/server-stats

Enable server stats

to enable change the apache httpd.conf (/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf)

1. Enable line:
ExtendedStatus On

2. uncomment server stats section :

SetHandler server-status
Order deny,allow
Allow from
Deny from all

  • amend the above to suit local requirements.

check the change config file:

[root]# apachectl configtest

Syntax OK

3. once changed remember to restart the http server :service httpd restart

So, now we’ve grabbed the data, what can we do with it?    Using wget, we can grab the data and pass that onto a monitoring system for subsequent trend or alerting.

I’m using Zabbix to monitor which when configured gives me this example graph:



to achieve this,  choose a method from the Zabbix wiki :

For simplicity, i’m using Method 3

Apache Server

1. down load the script & template from above wiki link.
2. copy the shell script to required path – here i’m using /etc/zabbix/externalscripts
3. on the machine running apache, append to the agent conf file

UserParameter=apache[*],/etc/zabbix/externalscripts/zapache.sh  \$1

4. Restart the zabbix agent : service zabbix-agent restart

Zabbix Server

a good tip before enabling importing any template and subsequent triggers is on the zabbix server use zabbix_get  to check the configuration works.

eg zabbix_get -s [servername] -p 10050 -k apache[Uptime]

1. import the download template
2. assign the template to the apache server
3. check for incoming data/errors etc.
4. create any required graphs